Hebei Jinghua Casting Co., Ltd is an ISO9001:2015 certified China lighting poles manufacturer and supplier, with 22 years of experience in the field of gray cast iron, ductile iron and cast aluminum lighting poles.
We manufacture and market lighting poles for use in park and street lighting, and decorative streetscape lighting poles and fixtures.
Our specialty is fast deliveries of top quality street lighting poles.
All of our lighting poles are produced by skilled workers on modern machinery and equipment, so the product quality is reliable. Our annual output is 30,000 tons.
Our lighting poles are your widest selection of top quality items for all your industrial, commercial and residential lighting needs. We offer a diverse range of options for house lighting and business locations alike.
Cast aluminum light poles offer the advantage of being lightweight, easy to machine and also provide natural rust resistance. These advantages make cast aluminum light poles to be a great choice when your projects are in wet areas or near water.
Our outdoor lighting poles include multi-function and architectural lighting poles, which are made of cast iron, ductile iron and cast aluminum.
We are a productive decorative light pole foundry, consists of innovative engineers, skilled workers with exquisite craftsmanship, strict quality inspection personnel, a passionate sales force, and industry experts committed to providing you unparalleled customer service.
We manufacture and market street lighting poles for use in park and street lighting, and decorative for streetscape lighting poles and fixtures.